Tuesday, September 2, 2014

MCSE Studying - Week 14

I have completed week fourteen of studying for my MCSE exams. I am afraid that this will be another short summary. I was not on vacation, I was not kidnapped by a hoard of ravenous raccoons, nor was I on a secret mission aboard the ISS. I simply could not muster the enthusiasm to get my head back into studying. I did manage to listen to, and catch up on the PowerScripting Podcast. So, while I did not get any official study time in, the week wasn't a total wash.

Cool Stuff
Listening to the PowerScripting Podcast episode 282 left me feeling as though they were in our office and in our server rooms. It seems that they knew the challenges we are facing. The topics discussed also addressed some of my deeper concerns with being a sysadmin in this dawning new era. Evolve, or become a technological has-been seems to be an especially common theme for sysadmins now. One of the things that hit closest to home for me was the fact that many sysadmins are spending so much time fighting fires, that they don't have the time to learn the tools that would help them fight the fires more effectively. I strongly agree with that statement. That's one of the reasons I am dedicating so much time to studying (except for this past week).

Total time studying: 4 hrs. 45 min.
  • PowerShell: 4 hrs. 45 min.
Resources used:
PowerScripting Podcast - Episodes 279, 280, 281, & 282

In Closing
We have made some changes to our routine at home now that the kids are back in school. The most helpful thing we are doing, which we learned from one of our children's teachers, is using a checklist. Specifically, we will be using one for our morning and evening routines. This allows me to block out time specifically for studying, without having to try to figure out when I'm going to find the time. Given a few weeks of fine tuning, I feel that it will be quite a powerful tool around our household!

Have a great week everyone!

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