Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Blogging Consistently - I'm Doing It Wrong

Well, here we are, 33 weeks since my last blog post. I was trying to post regularly, usually on a Sunday evening, but that seems to have stopped, and I'm not sure why. It is possible I became too busy or perhaps disorganized. Either way, I'm not going to dwell on the past. What's not done is not done. It's time to move on!

It is once again the new year. I slept through the transition of the arbitrary point in Earth's orbit that we call New Years Eve. Seriously. It's a completely arbitrary point. It marks neither the winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, nor the closest point of the Earth in its orbit around its star. Please do not misunderstand what I am trying to say, as I'm not really complaining. I am simply stating that it's just an arbitrary point. It doesn't really matter when the new year starts. Calendars are just a convenient way to track the passage of time and to ensure you don't miss important events, like the start of the new season of Doctor Who.

All that being said, I will not be setting a whole new batch of resolutions. I kind of like the one I have; 1280x1024. That's a little geek humor for you. What I will be doing, is reaffirming my current goals, as they have not yet been met, nor abandoned. Progress on achieving them continues, albeit slowly.

The first goal is to earn my MCSE: Server Infrastructure certification on Windows Server 2012 R2. I did pass Exam 70-410 in April after a little confusion at the test center. Unfortunately, that was the only exam I passed in 2015. I failed exam 70-411 in September. The passing grade was missed by one question. To say that failing this exam took the wind out of my sails is an understatement. For a day or so, I considered packing up, pulling my boat out of the water, and selling it. Thankfully I did not choose to quit. I picked myself up and I took a look at the results, which include the weak areas I need to work on. After reading that list, I nodded to myself and thought "I agree with this list.". Since then, though, I have not been tackling my studies full time, so I am still not quite ready to retake the exam yet. I soon will be, then it will be on to exam 70-412.

My second goal was to find permanent, full-time employment. I haven't found that yet, but do I have a full-time term position at a local college. The people and work are a good fit for me and I am happy to be working, helping others, and applying my skills to the daily challenges. Will I find that permanent position this year? I don't know, but I am ever hopeful. Who knows what this year will bring.

I'm not sure which motivational phrase I'll use to get through the challenges this year, but here's a few good ones: "Don't panic" "Never give up, never surrender." "Geronimo!" "Do, or do not. There is no try." Any, or all of these are "Fantastic!". Regardless, I do plan to continue blogging on a more regular basis, and I will also be resuming the posts about my progress in my MCSE studies on Sunday this week. So, stay tuned, and as always, thank you taking the time to read my musings.

Have a great week!

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