Friday, February 20, 2015

MCSE Studying - Week 36

Week 36 of my MCSE studies was another step towards my goal of becoming an MCSE. I knew going into the week that it would be tough to top last week, and I was correct. It was difficult to maintain that laser focus that is required to exceed 30 hours of studying in a week. It was not a bad week by any stretch, just not as productive as the previous week. It was a quite simply, a week full of review work as I prepare for the 70-410 exam.

Cool Stuff
As last week was a review week, there wasn't anything that stands out as being particularly cool or interesting.

PowerShell cmdlet of the Week
This week, I picked a cmdlet that I learned about some time ago, but forgot just how useful it really is.


This cmdlet will allow you to pop open a dialog box that gives you a handy form to fill out the parameters, parameter switches, and other information for a given cmdlet.

In this example, I used the following command to bring up the dialog for Get-Service

Get-Command Get-Service

I then filled out the ComputerName and Name fields as show below:

At this time, I can choose to either run the command, or copy it to the console. In my case, I simply chose to run the command. This returned the status of the DHCP Client on the server PS-MEMBER01.

For those of you wondering about the tabs along the top, those allow you to select from the various parameter sets available in the cmdlet.

Total time studying: 26 hrs. 50 min.
  • 70-410: 11 hrs. 45 min.
  • 70-411: 6 hrs. 10 min.
  • 70-413: 6 hrs.
  • PowerShell: 2 hrs. 35 min.
  • General: 20 min.

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